'Reversible Pink and White Bassinet For Baby Doll' Accessory

Product Number:

A unique pink and white reversible bassinet for baby doll

  • Your little darling baby doll will stay cosy and comfy in this bassinet. It's beautifully handcrafted

  • Features soft pink and white material

  • Exclusively available from The Ashton-Drake Galleries – you won't find this edition anywhere else!


S&S: £6.99

Available in 3 instalments of £24.99 Comes with our famous 365-day guarantee

A unique pink and white reversible bassinet for baby doll, exclusive to The Ashton-Drake Galleries – As much as you love your precious baby doll, you just can't hold her all day and night! So Ashton-Drake has come up with a perfect solution: a beautiful, handcrafted reversible bassinet, perfect for any So Truly Real® doll.

Your little darling baby doll will stay cosy and comfy in this bassinet. It's beautifully handcrafted. What a wonderful way for your family and friends to see your sweet baby doll – sound asleep and cradled in your love!

This unique edition is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity and our famous 365-day money-back guarantee. Order now!


The exclusive 'Reversible Pink and White Bassinet For Baby Doll' Accessory from The Ashton-Drake Galleries features:

  • The 'Reversible Pink and White Bassinet For Baby Doll' Accessory is exclusive to The Ashton-Drake Galleries
  • Your little darling baby doll will stay cosy and comfy in this bassinet. It's beautifully handcrafted
  • Features soft pink and white material
  • Accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity
  • Comes with our famous 365-day guarantee